




Complications of tubal blockage

Tubal blockage, with a high clinical incidence, is a common gynecological disease. It is always accompanied by some other health problems. But with effective treatment, only a small percentage of patients have lasting damage. And in this article, the author will mainly introduce the complications of tubal blockage.

1. Tubal blockage patients may have the symptom of dysmenorrhea. 
Dysmenorrhea is a common complication of tubal blockage. The reason lies in that long-term chronic tubal inflammation can lead to pelvic congestion. This congestion affects the normal flow of blood, causing dysmenorrhea. Patients can have menstrual cramps a week before menstruation begins. And the closer the day is to menstruation, the heavier the pain is. This lasts until the menstruation starts. To relieve the pain, patients need take drugs which can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. For example, patent medicine fuyan pill is a good choice.
2. Irregular menstruation will appear. 
The fallopian tubes and ovaries are adjacent, so the oviduct inflammatory easily spreads to the ovary. Consequently, great harm will be done to ovary, resulting in abnormal menstruation. To avoid this condition, timely treatment is needed once tubal inflammation occurs.
3. Patients can be accompanied by ectopic pregnancy. 
Blocked fallopian tube keeps the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus. As a result, the intercepted eggs and sperms grow in the fallopian tube, resulting in ectopic pregnancy. Although there is small probability, it occurs. 
4. Tubal blockage can result in infertility. 
In addition to ectopic pregnancy, another common complication of tubal blockage patients is infertility. The main function of fallopian tube is transporting sperm and eggs, taking in the fertilized egg and carrying them to the uterine cavity. When the fallopian tube is blocked, it will hinder the fertilized egg and sperm passage, leading to infertility.
The complications of tubal blockage are mainly reflected in these four aspects. To avoid injury brought by the disease, patients should first prevent the happening of tubal blockage. And this requires female friends receive aggressive treatment once having tubal inflammation or some other gynecological diseases. Only in this way can tubal blockage and its complications be effectively prevented. For tubal blockage, patients can take oral medicine fuyan pill for the treatment. Eliminating the symptoms and pathogens at the same time, fuyan pill can thoroughly treat the disease.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0607/596.html

The prevention and natural treatment of hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx, commonly happen on patients with chronic salpingitis, is one of the causes that lead to infertility. The symptoms of it are often that an abdominal pain in one or both side of the body. Sometimes it is also with a sense of falling feeling or increased secretions and so on. Among hydrosalpinx treatments, a majority of which are prone to relapse after treating. So a good preventive measure and treatment is very important. We can prevent hydrosalpinx from the following aspects:

1. Note the menstrual hygiene. During menstruation or after childbirth or abortion, women's fitness is relatively poor. At that time, if you keep a good health habit, the bacterial invasion can be effectively prevented. And then you can achieve the purpose of the hydrosalpinx prevention. 
2. Pay attention to sexual health. Dirty sex life is the source of many diseases. Of course, the hydrosalpinx is included. So before sexual activities, both men and women need to wash your genitals well. In this way, the bacteria invasion can be stopped. And at that time, if the vaginal bleeding appears, the sex activities should be stopped soon.
3. Surgery hygiene. When you take gynecological surgery, you’d better choose the normal hospital. Because if sterilization is not strict or surgical environment is poor, the bacteria can easily enter into the vagina and uterus, which result in artificially infection.
4. Salpingitis needs to be treated timely to avoid worsening development. In the treatment of hydrosalpinx, western doctors advocate the use of antibiotics to have the antimicrobial therapy. However, its side effects, such as antibiotic resistance and high relapse rate, make the patients off. On the other hand, in Chinese treatment, Wuhan Dr.lee suggests to take the nature medicine Fuyan pill. It is a safe treatment without side effects, and it is more in line with the needs of treatment. Fuyan pill, which can promote the blood circulation and remove spleen dampness, plays a very good therapeutic effect on hydrosalpinx curing.  
5. Daily exercise activity. Proper physical exercises can enhance the immune function and physical fitness, and prevent the occurrence of disease. If all this done, the chance of bacteria invade can be effective reduced. Also, the occurrence of hydrosalpinx can be avoided. 
When one gets the hydrosalpinx, she should choose the appropriate method according to their situation. Fuyan pill, with many years of clinical testing for various gynecological diseases treatment, is a really effective medicine for hydrosalpinx. It not only can effectively avoid the surgical damage, but also cure the disease completely.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0611/598.html

The differential diagnosis of prostatitis and other common diseases

The differential diagnosis of prostatitis and other common diseases

Prostatitis is easily mixed up with other common diseases because of various symptoms. How to carry on the differential diagnosis? What diseases should be differentiated?

First, we should understand the diagnostic criteria of prostatitis. Prostatitis falls into several classes such as acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, asymptomatory inflammatory prostatitis etc. 
Acute bacterial prostatitis is urgent, have obvious symptoms of lower urinary tract infection, such as frequency and urgency of urination, urinary pain, burning urination, difficult urination, uroschesis and discomfort in anal perineum area. Patients can also feel chill, high fever. Both blood routine and urine routine inspection are detected positive signs. 
The symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatitis include recurring lower urinary tract infection symptoms such as frequency, urgency, urinary pain, etc., which often last for more than three months. 
Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis not only have these symptoms mentioned above, but also cause mental anxiety, dysphoria, deterioration of the memory, sexual function decline, insomnia and depression etc. 
Patients with asymptomatic prostatitis has no symptoms, only prostatitis evidence found when have an examination.
However, the chlinc symptoms of patients usually are not so typical as mentioned above. So doctor should know patient's condition in detail and then draw a conclusion.
Differential diagnosis with urethritis: The clinical symptoms of prostatitis and urethritis are usually similar, but still have subtle differences. The patients who get urethritis have the symptom of urethral overflowing sanies, but prostatitis patients don't have it. Prostatitis has the symptom of urethral dropping white after unrination. To get diagnosed, patients need to take prostate routine examination and urine routine examination.
Differential diagnosis with acute pyelonephritis: The symptoms of pyelonephritis are usually shaking chills, accompanied by a high fever and pain in the joints and muscles including flank pain. There may be similar symptoms with prostatitis such as burning when urinating, a sense of urgency, or increased frequency of urination. But acute pyelonephritis has no pain in pelvic area and no pain when rectal touch. Besides, Prostate fluid examination will be normal.
Differential diagnosis with seminal vesiculitis: The paitients with seminal vesiculitis commonly find blood in semen. The red and white blood cells will be found in seminal vesicle fluid examination.
Differential diagnosis with BPH: BPH accompanies frequency of urination and impeded urination. The disease mostly occur in elderly men. Prostate can be found increased through a digital rectal exam.
article source :   http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Chronic_Prostatitis/2012/0907/prostatitis.html

How to get rid of chronic prostatitis and pain?

How to get rid of chronic prostatitis and pain?

It is said that women often suffer pain more intensely and differently than men. However, that not means men will not suffer severe pain. In fact, it is always pain that troubles men and makes them feel kept alone from their families, friends and doctors. Some diseases can cause pain, and this pain can aggravate along with its development.


Every year, about two million doctor visits are distributed to prostatitis. This indicates that prostatitis is not a rare disease in men. Usually, there are two types of painful prostatitis, one is acute and the other is chronic. Both of the two types prostatitis patients may meet pain. While, acute prostatitis is often caused by bacterial infection, so it is more easy to cure with antibiotic. However, chronic prostatitis is more complciated and more difficult to treat.
Chronic prostatitis, as more people know, is more intractable. It is a disease which is characterized by very intense pain in pelvics, perineum, lower back, lower abdomen, urethra, and legs. Not only these, it can cause a series of neurological problems, such as low energy, low mood, mental disturbance, etc. Typical symptoms of the disease are the frustrations of interacting with friends, family, and medical professionals. All these consequences can induce big problems, even suicide. Though it is not cancer, neither it is benign, it can ruin patients’ lives and bring dealth.
It is true that chronic prostatitis is a factor that can cause disrupted relationships and divorce. More complaints come out, patinets gradually have difficulties in dealing with work, social intercourse, and even all aspects in live. Often, patients direct their biggest anger at their doctor. As a matter of fact, it is patients that sometimes put more pressure on themselves. Many symptoms are “in their head” actually.
Why can’t chronic prostatitis patients get rid of chronic prostatitis? Why is there no effectively treatments for chronic prostatitis? Though millions of dollars and years of researches are spent, chronic prostatitis treatments give no much hope to patients. And indeed, these treatments (abtibiotic, alpha blockers, prostate injections, proatate massagem, spinal implants, etc ) causes no response. It can directly affect patients’ confidence and expectation of the cure. This is a also a reason for why a lot of  chronic prostatitis patients get frustrated and irascible.
Pain that rises from chronic prostatitis can be relieved actually. Though antibiotics can’t be a solution, herbal remedy is another choice. Why herbal remedy can make it. Herbal medicines are made from natural herbs, they have natural efficacy, this is a feature that antibiotic don't have. Herbs that can promote blood circulation can relieve pain a lot, plus, some herbs which can clear away heat and toxic materials can also help. Apart from that, more perfect prescription are developed, herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a successful case. It is applied to treat prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis. Generally, three to four months are enough to cure chronic prostatitis.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Chronic_Prostatitis/2012/0725/chronic-prostatitis.html

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